
Jul 17, 2024 implemented my own nanoGPT on this repo. less fancy in some aspects (no flash-attention, etc yet) but more work to be put in soon
Jul 08, 2024 i did the thing! micrograd in c from scratch lol
May 25, 2024 Our paper “Could We Have Had Better Multilingual LLMs if English Was Not the Central Language?” is accepted at TDLE 2024. First solo first-author publication and first oral presentation🙌
Nov 01, 2023 Published my first co-first author publication, “Replicable Benchmarking of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) on Low-Resource Local Languages in Indonesia” at SEALP 2023🎉
Nov 01, 2022 Got a research scholarship, Garuda ACE, to do research in GIK Lab!💻